1. The poet wishes to be awakened to a heaven where the mind can work fearlessly and the spirit can hold its head high, where one can acquire knowledge in all freedom of choice, where the big world of man is not fragmented or restricted to small mutually exclusive compartments, where everybody speaks his/her heart clear, where actions flow in the form of various streams moving from success to success, where petty conventions do not stagnate the course of judgement, where manhood is not pieced, where God himself leads us in all acts, all thoughts, and all sources of delight. We need a strong motivating slap by God to be elevated to that heaven.
The poem is written by Rabindranath Tagore, poet, philosopher and Nobel laureate born in Calcutta. This poem is written in the era when India was under the British Rule and people were just waiting to get liberated from the British rule. The poem gave a lot of strength to people who were fighting for India's Independence. The original Bengali poem which Tagore himself translated was titled "Prayer". Though it pertains to that era it is really a plea not for political Independence but for freedom from parochialness and dogma. A prayer that is perhaps as relevant today as it was then. Today the rich are oppressing the poor and keeping them under their control and they live a life of perennial fear. This poem is an inspiration for everyone and it will make the world realise and see the misdoings of the politicians the false leaders of all religions so that people break away from all this and live a life which is free from all these encumbrances and one can hold his head high up in the air in a pure, unpolluted atmosphere. Where there is no greed, selfishness etc.
Summary of poem
Summary of poem
It is in your dreams loll.