The poet says that once he was enjoying and idle wandering. He was moving like a cloud which sails freely in the air over mountains and valleys. All of a sudden, he caught sight of a vast field of golden daffodils. They were growing along the bank of a lake, under shady groves of trees. They were waving their heads in the cool breeze. They were spread in unending lines like the countless stars in the galaxy.
Daffodils were dancing merrily in the fresh and fragrant morning breeze. He was so much lost in joy that he could not know what a great wealth of thought and feeling had been given to him by the scene for the years to come. That scene is no more now. But the memory of that scene keeps him happy even today in the sad and lonely hours of his life. Whenever he remembers that scene his heart is filled with pleasure and starts dancing imaginatively with the daffodils.
This is one of the most famous poems of Wordsworth. He wrote this poem in the early phase of his poetry. Those days, he used to have long idle wandering in fields and forests, mountains and valleys, in search of natural beauty. The poem reflects his deep love for Nature.
Daffodils were dancing merrily in the fresh and fragrant morning breeze. He was so much lost in joy that he could not know what a great wealth of thought and feeling had been given to him by the scene for the years to come. That scene is no more now. But the memory of that scene keeps him happy even today in the sad and lonely hours of his life. Whenever he remembers that scene his heart is filled with pleasure and starts dancing imaginatively with the daffodils.
This is one of the most famous poems of Wordsworth. He wrote this poem in the early phase of his poetry. Those days, he used to have long idle wandering in fields and forests, mountains and valleys, in search of natural beauty. The poem reflects his deep love for Nature.