Besides drawing your own figures (which you might be able to do from pictures online such as the one below) you can also download figure packs directly from websites such as which has a huge database of stick related add-ons, from characters, to vehicles to weapons:
The database is being updated all the time and rates the uploads so you don't have to worry about downloading something substandard. Also if you create anything you're particularly proud of, you can donate to the site and see how people respond to your work.Sticksforfree also includes some downloadable character designs and has a useful selection of Youtube tutorials which have been compiled to help with stick design and animation, check them out here:
There is also this video on Youtube which links to the 'ultimate pivot download pack' filled with characters as shown and can be found in the video description. Not only is this useful to see the character pack but also shows you how to import your figures into a new pivot animation: