How Do I Write An Analysis On A Robert Louis Stevenson Poem?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I need the summary of the poem "Travel" by Robert Louis Stevenson !!?
Will Martin Profile
Will Martin answered
It depends how long your analysis needs to be, and whether you are being asked to use an analytical framework or look for particular things; so for detailed advice you'll need to ask your tutor. However, there are a few general points for analysing poetry.

First, you should make a plan. Decide what the poem is mainly about and work from there. You can go through it one stanza after another, but although logical this is not the best way to analyse. You'll get a better essay if you think of key points and show how the poem illustrates them. A rough general guide is that an essay should make at least 6 separate points: so you need an introduction, 6 paragraphs each analysing a separate aspect of the poem, each one containing at least one brief quotation or reference, and a conclusion which sums it all up. Some of the points you might analyse are diction, lexis, rhythm, ideas and the effect on the reader (not necessarily separately.)

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