Looking for inspiration for a poem: Random sentences or ideas for a poem will help . Got any?


2 Answers

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

The ligthly chilled breeze that caresses your hair on an Autumn evening as you watch the many colors of the sunset dance across the sky.

The deafening sound of the roaring engines as the cars embrace the starting line. The fumes of car exhaust and gasoline fill the nostrils when they speed off down the street.

The enchanting whistle of the wind blowing through the newly grown leaves of spring as the warm sunlight kisses your skin.

The cries of anger and profanity of a child losing an intense game of Call of Duty.

The romantic smell of a rose as it is nervously handed to the lovely lady by the handsome man as he picks her up for their first date.

The warm stickiness of the blood as it splatters across your face and oozes down your hand after driving the blade of a knife into the skull of a zombie.

Hmm, are you inspired yet or have I horrified you? Best of luck on your endeavour!

Kailey Rose Profile
Kailey Rose answered

On my phone I write down random notes of things that I think of thinking I will write something cool or do something cool but I never do so here

1. You'll never amount to anything they said. Is this the nothing you were preaching about? You'll make it to the top they said

2. Ears bleed, mind scream

3. There are some snapshots of my past that were really fun

4. The world isn't dead yet. The kids born a little too late will carry on the legend of musicians before us

5. They know, I know

6. I want to see your dark side

7. I don't need comfort from the truth

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