The title 'A Creation Story From Luzon' tells the story of how the Earth and world were created. The story also tries to offer an explanation about where the different human races originated from. It is a variation from the Biblical 'Story of Creation' involving Adam and Eve.
- At the beginning of time, there was no land but only the sky and the sea. Between them was a kite flying in the sky. A kite is a bird similar to a hawk.
- The kite grew tired of flying and needed somewhere to rest so she stirred up the sea to throw its water up into the sky. In response to this, and in order to control the sea, the sky started to throw down islands. The kite was then offered one of the islands to rest if she would leave the sky and the sea in peace.
- The sea and the sky had a child in the form of a bamboo tree which was left floating about in the sea. One day, it washed on onto the beach where the kite had settled and struck her feet. In anger, the bird pecked at the tree and out of it came a man and a woman.
- The couple were married and had many children, but had so many the father got sick of them being idle and beat them until they fled away.
- The children fled into different parts of the house, including the fireplace and the walls. Others ran outside or into the sea. The story claims that those who hid in the fire went on to become those with black skin, those who went into the sea were those with white skin, those who ran outside were free men and those who stayed within the walls became slaves.