A book is divided into sections that have different meanings. For example, the first pages of a book will usually include a table of contents and an introduction. The table of contents specifies when chapters start and end; it acts a guideline for readers.
The introduction will include a bit of information about the fiction or non-fiction work; it may give interesting background about the research the writer did while assembling the novel or textbook.
Every Section Of A Book Serves A Purpose
The introduction will include a bit of information about the fiction or non-fiction work; it may give interesting background about the research the writer did while assembling the novel or textbook.
Every Section Of A Book Serves A Purpose
- The chapters of a book will follow the table of contents and introduction; these chapters will take a reader through the beginning, middle and end of a fiction story. With non-fiction, they will outline various elements of a specific subject matter, such as anatomy, botany, or cooking.
- Any book may be written about any topic; some non-fiction works use chapters to present opinions, rather than hard facts. These sorts of chapters will be based on the subjective musings of the author.
- Certain books will feature photographs or tables in various chapters of the work; sometimes, a central album of photos or other illustrations is found right in the middle of a book. Often, these photos and tables will be used as learning tools; for biographies, photographs help readers to get a better sense of the book's subject, and the history and culture of their era.