
What Is The Moral Of To Kill A Mockingbird?


5 Answers

Arun Raj Profile
Arun Raj answered
The winner of the 1961 Pulitzer Prize in fiction, 'To kill a mocking bird,' written by Harper Lee is a tale of a girl Scout Finch and her brother Jeremy who are brought up in the Southern United States by their father Atticus. Set in the period just after the Great Depression, the book talks about the father of Scout Finch who defends a black man who is charged with the rape of a white woman.

The book not only brings out the stark reality of a menace called racism but also portrays the fortitude and tolerance of Atticus Finch. The children Scout and Jeremy learn from their father what it means to fight prejudice and uphold the spirit of human dignity against all odds. The moral of the story is "Do not judge a book by its cover. Do not judge the person by the colour of his skin. Do not jump to conclusion based on sole perception."
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
He just copied from a place, and by doing so gave too much info and didn't directly answer the question. You have to search his answer for the answer to the real question.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
....which in turn can be paradoxa to the man on trial; killing something innocent, just because it's not to your liking with disregard to "it's explanation".
Nadya Bean Profile
Nadya Bean answered
You probs shouldnt keep reading this is you havent finished the book and you don't want it ruined.
Mockingbirds are kind and gentle- they've done nothing wrong. So its a sin to kill them because of that.
Tom robinson was killed even though he didnt do something wrong. Same deal right?
Thats sorta the moral.

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