How To Write A Letter To Bank Manager To Request A NEW Cheque Book?


9 Answers

Liam Sheasby Profile
Liam Sheasby answered
Most banks automatically send a new cheque book when they know you are coming to the end of your previous one. Some banks have a cheque book request slip towards the back of their cheque books that simply needs to filled in and passed into or posted to your local branch.

If you can't do this then you will need to send a request in writing to your bank manager to ask for a new cheque book. To do this you will need to address the letter to the branch manager of your local branch, their name can normally be obtained by asking at the branch, or by telephoning them.

Mark the letter as Private and Confidential as your bank details will be on the correspondence, and it is a good way of ensuring that the correct person receives the letter.

Start the letter off with Dear Sir/Madam and then write something along these lines:

'I wish to request a new cheque book for account number (insert your account number). I would be grateful if this could be sent to me at the above address as soon as possible, as I am running out of cheques in my current cheque book. I look forward to receiving this and should you have any queries please contact me on (insert a phone number here).'

Remember to include your full name and address on the letter, as well as your bank account number, the sort code, and a telephone number that you can be contacted on should the bank manager have any queries.

You should receive your cheque book within two weeks of requesting it, the reason it takes a while is the bank will need to get a new one printed for you.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The Manager,

Subject : Issue of new Cheque Book

Dear Sir,

Kindly assure to get a new cheque-book issued for the Saving-account number...

The requirement is immediate, as the cheque -book running at present time is coming to finish.

Expecting quick response. Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,   Dated:
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I want to apply for new checkbook
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My saving account is 3019274196-6 Old cheque book finished. Request for new cheque book.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Customer Services dept

We would like to request the new cheque book for our company the account number is as follows 1024530309 the last page was 8380 we there for inform the bank to hand it over to Miss P Mphuthi ID 6510290289083

Kind Regards

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered


Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Write to them quoting your account number and name as printed on the cheque and ask them to send you a new cheque book.  Sign the letter.  Note it will only be sent to the address where the account is registered for security reasons.

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