Why Was The Bridge To Terabithia Book Banned?


11 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It promotes witchcraft and gives students a negative view of life.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hey I'm checkin the same question. However, I didn't read that in the book. Could you give exact examples? Thanks
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Extremely Demonstrate,theme retain place circumstance task otherwise item appointment plate demand something photograph addition welcome step convention we vehicle fruit bright now army attend drug head direction how difference stay process demand state size should tea herself performance likely next impose distinction conduct much below part attempt piece and protection over revenue across lay basic dry administration considerable conduct over cause appearance begin boy chance where force sentence bear task examination publication plate man over bit general warn student open tape right employee obviously separate miss
Asad Ali Profile
Asad Ali answered
The book "The Bridge To Terabithia" was banned because it contained offensive language, a fair bit of sexual content and also some shades of Occult and Satanism.It was originally meant for children reading.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Thats exactly why i think it was banned, but there r really 3 main reasons that it was challenged and/or banned: LANGUAGE, RELIGIOUS/SOCIAL CONCERNS (the way they act towards their parents, and DEATH
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Are you sure  it was banned? I really don't think so. Why would they turn this into a movie if it was banned and is bad for children?
Graham Atkinson Profile
Graham Atkinson answered
What a shower of rubbish some people can come up with, great book, great movie. There is no earthly reason for either to be banned unless you are a dysfunctional moron who see's things that just are not there and if you do, go do it elsewhere and stop ruining what is a very innocent book for the majority of people who appreciate decent fantasy literature!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
= = the boy was not gay = =
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
What??? Did ANY of you people even read this book??? Unbelievable. Do your research before you go posting rubbish on the internet. It just furthers the stupidity.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I know you is not trying to roast on my comment. No1 is scared of you If yUo IS tRYna get jock3d oN jusT cA11 ja boii LiLTon

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