
What Are The Books Written By Barack Obama?


6 Answers

Lucy Burroughs Profile
Lucy Burroughs answered
As of July 2012, President Barack Obama has written three books: The Audacity of Hope, Of Thee I Sing, and Dreams from My Father. Some of his speeches have also been put into books, and he's written forewords for books about his career, too.

Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance (1995)
This is the fist book written by Obama, and is a memoir detailing his life up until his enrollment at Harvard Law School.

The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream (2006) This is Obama's second book, and was a New York Times and Amazon bestseller in the winter of 2006. The book goes into the details of Obama's campaign for the presidency.

Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to my Daughters (2010) This book is a collection of stories for young children, and was written in 2008, before Obama became President. Of Thee I Sing is essentially a tribute to thirteen influential Americans, including Abraham Lincoln, Neil Armstrong and Billie Holiday.
Julii Brainard Profile
Julii Brainard answered
He's written just two, so far, with another full of his quotes and two more planned to be released soon.

Dreams from My Father was published in 1995. It's an autobiography of Obama's life from his birth (1961) to the early 1990s.

Obama was given his father's surname, but his parent's marriage dissolved when he was only two years old. After that Obama was raised mostly by his mother, living in Jakarta with her second husband, until he was ten years old. After that he was raised in Kansas by his mother's grandparents.

In Kansas Obama says he first encountered racism. He also met his biological father for the first and only time since toddler-hood. The book goes on to detail his student life at Harvard University, and his efforts to find out about his Kenyan origins. Dreams from My Father was recently re-released, and Obama is acclaimed for the candor and sincerity it demonstrates.

About 4 years ago Obama signed a contract with the publishers Random House to write three more books. The first, Audacity of Hope is mostly about Obama's philosophy: It's a warm up to sell himself to the American people. The book also incorporates a lot about the current state of things for most Americans, and the potential for future success and happiness.

Supposedly Obama and his wife are co-writing a children's version of his autobiography, with proceeds going to a children's charity. The other contracted book (for Random House) will be for adults, with no specific topic covered yet... Buy my bet is that it will be an account of the race to become the Democratic nominee for president.

Obama has released yet another book, Barack Obama: In His Own Words , with publishers Barnes & Noble. This book is full of his speeches, quotes and anecdotes, compiled by Lisa Rogak.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The State of Black America 2007
Dreams From My Father
The Audacity of Hope
Change We Can Believe In
Barak Obama In His Own Words
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Dreams from my Father.

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