
Why Did Charles Dickens Want To Change Child Labour?


4 Answers

Vikash Swaroop Profile
Vikash Swaroop answered
When somebody goes through an experience that is a horrible one and after overcoming all those difficulties if somebody attains some stature of repute, he thinks that it is his moral obligation to raise the voice of those who are suffering from the similar phenomenon at that point of time. The similar thing happened with Charles Dickens and it made him go for the change of child labour.

If you go to read his novel David Copperfield which is considered as his autobiographical account, he has described several instances in which his lead character faced much suffering and later he became a writer. As during the childhood his suffering was immense and Charles Dickens life was also somewhat like that, so it made him raise the issue of child labour when he grew in reputation.
Arike Ballantyne Profile
Because he knew what children went through in the work houses and wanted to change it so they could become good members of society by getting an education rather than working themselves to death.
Bil Nutt Profile
Bil Nutt answered
To expand just a bit on what Vicky wrote: Dickens had an extremely difficult childhood. When he was 12, his father was sent to debtors' prison. Dickens went to work 10 hours a day in a bootblacking, pasting labels on to jars of polish. Even after his family got a bit of money from his father's relations, his mother made him continue working in the factory.

Because what he saw and experienced, DIckens advocated changes in child labour laws.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Because child labour was wrong. People that lived in poverty should get treated better to get stronger instead of seeing their child come home everyday looking weak, hungry and about to die. A child has a right to enjoy his or her life with happiness instead of being a slave to rich people who have more than thay need. Fight for your right kids, fight for your right.

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