"Breaking Dawn" is the final instalment of the "Twilight" series by Stephenie Meyer. The novel, which wa spublished in August 2008, is the final novel to be told from the point of view of protagonist, Bella Swan.
"Breaking Dawn" is structured differently to the other novels. It is broken into three parts. The first part begins with Edward and Bella’s honeymoon. Edward, who is a vampire, previously made a promise to Bella that they would consummate their marriage before Bella becomes a vampire. They do so, and not long after, Bella becomes ill. She discovers that she is pregnant and after the pregnancy is confirmed, she and Edward return home.
Edward worries as the foetus begins to grow unnaturally fast and tries to talk Bella into having the baby aborted. Bella, who wishes to keep the baby, refuses and instead contacts Edward’s sister, Rosalie, for advice.
The story then moves onto the second part, which is written from the point of view of Jacob, Bella’s friend who is in love with her. Bella has feelings for Jacob, but chose Edward as her love for him was stronger. Jacob’s pack of werewolves make plans to kill Bella’s child as they do not know what danger it will bring. Jacob does not agree with this and so starts up his own pack.
Bella gives birth to her child, but nearly loses her life in the process. Edward saves her by turning her into a vampire.
The last section of the novel moves back to Bella’s perspective. She adjusts to her new life as a vampire. Meanwhile, a vampire named Irina mistakenly thinks that Bella and Edward’s child, Renesmee, is an immortal child, meaning that she is a child that has been turned into a vampire. The Volturi, who are a group of vampires, outlawed the creation of immortal children, and when Irini informs them of the birth of Renesmee, they make plans to destroy the child and Edward’s family.
In order to save Renesmee, Edward’s family, with the help of other vampires as witnesses, manage to prove that Renesmee is not an immortal child. The Volturi execute Irina for making her mistake. Despite this, they still remain unsure as to whether Renesmee will pose as a threat to the secrecy of vampires. Edward’s sister, Alice, brings along Nahuel, who, like Renesmee, is a vampire-human crossbreed. Nahuel proves that vampire-human crossbreeds are not a threat to the secrecy of vampires and the Volturi finally leave.
The novel ends with Bella, Edward and Renesmee returning to their home together.
"Breaking Dawn" is structured differently to the other novels. It is broken into three parts. The first part begins with Edward and Bella’s honeymoon. Edward, who is a vampire, previously made a promise to Bella that they would consummate their marriage before Bella becomes a vampire. They do so, and not long after, Bella becomes ill. She discovers that she is pregnant and after the pregnancy is confirmed, she and Edward return home.
Edward worries as the foetus begins to grow unnaturally fast and tries to talk Bella into having the baby aborted. Bella, who wishes to keep the baby, refuses and instead contacts Edward’s sister, Rosalie, for advice.
The story then moves onto the second part, which is written from the point of view of Jacob, Bella’s friend who is in love with her. Bella has feelings for Jacob, but chose Edward as her love for him was stronger. Jacob’s pack of werewolves make plans to kill Bella’s child as they do not know what danger it will bring. Jacob does not agree with this and so starts up his own pack.
Bella gives birth to her child, but nearly loses her life in the process. Edward saves her by turning her into a vampire.
The last section of the novel moves back to Bella’s perspective. She adjusts to her new life as a vampire. Meanwhile, a vampire named Irina mistakenly thinks that Bella and Edward’s child, Renesmee, is an immortal child, meaning that she is a child that has been turned into a vampire. The Volturi, who are a group of vampires, outlawed the creation of immortal children, and when Irini informs them of the birth of Renesmee, they make plans to destroy the child and Edward’s family.
In order to save Renesmee, Edward’s family, with the help of other vampires as witnesses, manage to prove that Renesmee is not an immortal child. The Volturi execute Irina for making her mistake. Despite this, they still remain unsure as to whether Renesmee will pose as a threat to the secrecy of vampires. Edward’s sister, Alice, brings along Nahuel, who, like Renesmee, is a vampire-human crossbreed. Nahuel proves that vampire-human crossbreeds are not a threat to the secrecy of vampires and the Volturi finally leave.
The novel ends with Bella, Edward and Renesmee returning to their home together.