I really don't know.....my kindle doesn't have a smell....whether I'm reading old books or new books! :)
I love the musty smell of old books. It makes me want to read them.
I like new car smell more.
I like old books but I like the smell of new ones !
New. If old ones smell too musty I start to sneeze.
Yes! They should really make a candle with the "Book" scent. I'd buy it.
I don't really dig on sniffing books but I know old curtains freak me out so I pick new books then because that's logical to me based on my old curtain phobia. I haven't ever smelled old curtains cos I can't be in a room near them but I'm sure I hate the smell . I'm very logical.
I like new books if they're non-fiction, but I like old books if they're fiction. I feel like they have a history behind them, and I'm more likely to borrow old books from the library than new ones.
Definitely prefer the smell of brand new books. I always wondered if it's the ink or the paper that smells soooo good!