I think I prefer Crafts. We have so many Craft fairs around here and I'm always finding something unique.
I love poetry. There's something about the non-visual arts of that art form amazes me.
But I can't just limit myself to one form of artwork. Music, pottery, sculpting and painting all thrill me. Even tattoos which I could never have done to my personal self still floors me when I see one so well completed on another person.
I enjoy most forms of art, but I would say my favorite is probably photography. It is also a hobby of mine. Another which you don't have listed and many never think of as a form of art would be architecture. There are some beautiful buildings in this world.
I wouldn't confine myself to just one art form -- I enjoy them all -- but the one that leaves me most in awe is sculpture. My tiny mind just cannot understand how a sculptor can take a block of wood, or marble, or anything else, and see the image inside it before applying an unbelievable amount of skill to make it emerge. There's more than a little magic in that.
Visual arts? Paintings!! Like Peter Doig's
or those of Linda Enchelmayer Schmidt
Ot those spotted here
one more: the art of Barbara Lidfors http://www.lidforsbarbara.com/cms/website.php?id=/en/index.htm