Tausa'Afia [tah-ooh-sah'ah-fee-ah] is a fictional character within MANGONO:
a NaNoWriMo 2013 project by independent author, Miranda Innaimo.
Personality: Lively, extrovert, independent, self-sufficient, determined, ambitious, spontaneous, inquisitive, outgoing, passionate, moody.
Physique: Medium height and build, wooly hair kept in dread-locks and tied up in intricate forms.
Parents: Mauga [father] / Fa'Afetai [mother]
Region: Gaotiu
Spirit Animal: Fire Sheep
Birth Rank: #5
Weapon: Explosives, and fires controlled in lines from poured serums.
Armor: Little armor; mostly a defensive artist, with tight, flame-resistant clothing.