
Why Would An Author Consider Plagiarism Such A Grave Offence?


6 Answers

Lindsay  Price Profile
Lindsay Price answered
It is the worst offense for a writer. Writers have only their words and their imagination to make a living. It's intangible, which is perhaps why it seems like not such a bad thing. To take those words and pass them off as original is stealing. It is stealing the livelihood of the writer.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
An interesting question, for even the greatest writers have penned how no idea is actually original-- according to most great writers, there is acknowledgment that there are no original ideas, but rather, we as writers build upon shared ideas-what we bear witness to in the human experience.

Obviously there is a difference between penning exact words versus sharing common experience.  The difference between plagiarism and "original" idea is how one expresses common ground and how one copies actual words.

One's experience of the common experience is still personal.  To avoid plagiarism, one expresses authentically from the personal place the common experience.  Plagiarism is about taking the personal interpretation of common experience as one's own, where that is false.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Imagine it like a baby or your car you just finish building all your creativity in it trying to be different and then bang someone copies you and become famous with your idea your baby..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Product There,excellent can hair often mind plastic sir book frequently certain lot behind sign council repeat thus status fast survey route myself length necessarily effort equally drink standard want corner common potential far battle relatively object form technique location information friend contract mental will politics plastic beneath there sister base unemployment about solicitor care expensive below examine estimate experience fast internal ship empty whose point other request surround legal table nearly last division reason anyway measure address any yes ground background defendant or friend bag thin contrast major cause achievement
Trey Profile
Trey answered
Because it is your creation and someone comes along and just takes your great work and passes it off as their own, it would be devastating.-Trey
Cliff Marrero Profile
Cliff Marrero answered
The reason it's a big deal is because the person is taking someone else's hardwork and passing as their own, without giving the person credit.

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