If you've lost the manual for your Singer Ultralock 14u64a, there's no need to worry, as there are a lot of online 'libraries' for sewing machine manuals. Some, like sewconsult.com, will charge a fee if you want to download the document, rather than just print off the manual.
Another such site is homeappliance.manualsonline.com which also has a wide range of Singer sewing machine manuals and parts lists.
If you want more than just a download of a manual, there are online forums where communities of Singer users gather to exchange tips and advice. Check in at pinterest.com, fixya.com, sewusa.com or talk.sew-whats-up.com and if you like what you see, join up and join in the discussion.
If all else fails, you could contact one of the many eBay users selling items related to the Singer Ultralock, and ask if they have a copy of the manual they're willing to sell. One such seller used a YouTube film to help sell Singer 14u64a: