In order to answer this question, we will, first, have to analyse what Expressive Realism is. And before moving on in our discussion about Expressive Realism, let us see what Realism is about. Realism is basically a movement in Literature, Arts and Architecture in which the creator tends to remain closer to reality. In Literature, there have been several novelists and playwrights who have used various techniques to depict reality on stage and in their novels. So far, there seems to be no problem with depiction of reality in a literary work but the problem rises when we question "Reality". I.e. What is Reality? Expressive Realism means, reality as expressed by the author. As it is an expressed reality, so there can be various versions for it. For one person, reality might be different and for other, it can be different by 180 degrees. As Virginia Woolf puts it in her novel "To the Lighthouse", "nothing was simply one thing". Similarly, one version of reality might be different from another version of reality. For example, for a Muslim God is one and it is the supreme reality for him, but for an atheist or a Hindu, there might be several Gods. For all the three people, individually, they believe in "Reality". But for each other, one does not believe in "Reality" the other one believes in. In this way, if one of them expresses this reality, it would be "Expressive Realism" and for the other one it would be "False Realism".
Explain Left Realism Theory, including its roots, how it evolved, and the current social implications of Left Realism Theory.