I don't think it is but I'm not sure
Oh well I wanted to read breaking dawn but if it was shut down because of illegal stuff screw that
No, it is not legal. The Twilight series is copyright protected and unless these people have permission form the author or the publisher then it is not legal. It is because of this type of theft that the author has stopped working on Midnight Sun (the series through Edward's point of view).....so please do not use this site or sites like it!!!!
No I don't think its legal. A lot of people actually count on this website. And I'm halfway through it too!
You its illegal. Is there anywher else that I can find it online? I know its illegal but I just wanted to reread twilight cus I don't have the book. Oh well I'll go find it at a library I guess
I think someone reported twilight.webs.com was reported and thus is getting shut down (it wasn't me btw I was just rereading Twilight)
I was re-reading eclipse and I was like on chapter 22 after edward proposed ta bella and oh my god it froze....and I just went rite now to the website again and found out that the website is no longer available..... Damn.....they deleted it