
How Can You Draw The Perfect Star?


5 Answers

Lakshmipriya Nair Profile
There are several ways to draw a perfect star with five points or six depending on your preference. A very easy way to do it is to draw an equilateral triangle. Now draw another triangle intersecting this triangle at its mid-points provided that the second triangle should be up side down or should resemble an inverted pyramid. This would give you a perfect star with six points if executed properly.

Another method by which you can obtain a five-point perfect star is to get it with the help of a protractor and a compass. First draw a circle of the desired size with the compass. The size of the circle should coincide with the size of the star that you want. Then draw a smaller circle inside the previous one with the same centre point. It is better to make the smaller circle of about the half size of the first one. Next draw a line from the edge of the bigger circle to the center point. Use a protractor with the center point of the circle under the circle point of the protractor and mark every 72 degrees around the circle. Draw lines connecting the marked points with the centre point. Then connect the top of one of these lines with the line touching the inner circle and thus form a point. Connect these points until you get a perfect five point star.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well first you get a ruler and a pencil.
Start at the top and draw a line of whatever size.
Then a diagonal one followed on from the right.
After that draw a lin up words about 3 cm from the startin line.
Diagonal again to the right.
Diagonal to the left up words and meet the starting point :)

Hope this helps!  Xxx
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Try and keep practicing that is what I did and its a good star!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Draw a circle, then locate five points at equal distances around the circle, then draw lines from each point to two points on the opposite side of the circle so as to form five triangles

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