Friends, do you believe God has ways of sending us signs. Well, I believe i got a sign sent to me from Otis . I opened up my mailbox today there was a book for my little cousin, a Children's book and it's called "Otis And The Kittens"?


3 Answers

Flora Huang Profile
Flora Huang answered

I think Otis's GHOST is giving you signs that he's always with you. I also think God planned that lol. Heath Ledger's ghost texted me on instagram once, saying that my old house (in Canada) is empty (it isn't sold yet... And it isn't old; it's built in 2002). In my mind I was like: "THAT'S BECAUSE I'M MOVING TO AMERICA AND I'M TRYING TO FIND A NEW HOUSE TO LIVE IN!!!"

Dances With  Wolves Profile

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Dances With  Wolves
Yes i saw his obituary i know his real name. I'm talking about on here we knew him by Otis . This was just something that i believe in and you have your believe . Peace Out
Willie B. good
Willie B. good commented
So you only knew his name because of the obituary that I found. and since you were like brothers you obviously would have known his address right?
Dances With  Wolves
No i don't know his real address. Look I'm done :) Peace Out
Willie B. good Profile
Willie B. good answered

I don't think it was a sign from Otis.

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Dances With  Wolves
Timothy Tyrone Talas
Dances With  Wolves
That was on the Obituary that i found on him the link from Tiger.
Willie B. good
Willie B. good commented
Where do you think tiger got it from... I was the one who sent her the link and I'm also the one that his caretaker called to inform that he had passed, if you want I can give you her phone number to verify this, so basically until you read his obituary you didn't know his real name? And since you were brothers you would have known what his first name on ask it was right?

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