Does anyone know 3 quotations about scout maturing? I you can, can you give me a small description as well. Thanks


2 Answers

Virginia Lou Profile
Virginia Lou answered

Dear Ethan Richardson,

Yours is a fairly common homework assignment, from Harper Lee's novel       TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD...

What I did was to locate a link for you; there are several such quotes mentioned here, chosen by a high school teacher just to help students. 

I thoroughly enjoyed this book so many years ago now, and if you would like to choose some quotes about Scout growing up, and work up sample descriptions, I or someone else might be able to help you get them into a final form for your grade?

Wishing you well...

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

No, and I turned my book back in after the assignment, so I can't look any up. How about looking through Sparknotes or Cliffsnotes like everyone else who hasn't read their book.

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