What color do you like? Like which color fits your personality?


7 Answers

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

I'm a deep, raging red, flecked with streaks of BLACK. It matches my sweet, tolerant personality.

John Doe Profile
John Doe answered

Depends on my mood really, but generally, I like bright, cheerful, colors...green, blue, purple.

Woof Woofy Profile
Woof Woofy answered

Dark colours like black and navy blue.

Sometimes if I'm in the mood, I will wear brighter colours.

Lil Princess Profile
Lil Princess answered

Pink and black...

I am really girly but then I also have this dark and mysterious side about me. :)

Jennie Smith Profile
Jennie Smith answered

Dark colours like black and navy blue.

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