
What Does J.k Stand For In J.k Rowling?


5 Answers

Nathan Corrie Profile
Nathan Corrie answered
The initials stand for JOANNE KATHLEEN. Before the phenomenal success of the Harry Potter books, the author was looking for a potential publisher and she thought her work would be taken more seriously if she used her initials and let them believe the writer was a man. Once the first novel was accepted, it was decided to continue under the same name.

Bit of an indictment on the world of publishing, but she's obvously had the last laugh !
Delores Christine Profile
J stands for Joanne. K was included in her name when she started writing the Harry Potter series.
katniss Profile
katniss answered
J is joane k is for kathleen which is one of her friends names and who let her use the name to make people think she was a man.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The "k" in j.k rowling's name is made up, her real name does not include the letter k, its just joanne rowling

in other words there is no k

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