Lindsey Stirling does not have a boyfriend. How do I know? Because she even posted about it on her mot recent blog post...
Lindsey Stirling is a famous violinist. She is attractive, talented and only 25 years old. In most circumstances, she would already have a steady boyfriend most probably...
However she made some statements about not having a boyfriend in her blog post where she announced she was taking a break from touring and going home.
This is exactly what she said:
Why Lindsey Stirling doesn't have a boyfriend
Here's another question about Lindsey Stirling you'll be interested in:"It’s crazy to think about, but I haven’t been in the same place for longer than 2 weeks for the past year-and-a-half. My nomad-ness has made it easy to excuse myself for not having a boyfriend, but now that I will be stationary for the next 7 months, there is NO excuse for my extreme case of “single-itis.” Grandma is going to be on my case for sure! (“You need a nice young feller….”
And here's an awesome video of Lindsey Stirling in action: