This is pretty difficult - personally, I'd cheat, and bring my Kindle and a charger so I could have a never-ending library of books! Not sure what I'd plug the charger into exactly, though...
Possible Candidates For Desert Island Books
- The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde - This is one of my all-time favourite books, so it makes sense that I'd bring it to a desert island with me! I've read it several times, though, so I'd probably get bored of it after a while. However good a book is, you're still likely to get bored of it if you read it over and over!
- Perfume by Patrick Suskind - Another of my favourite books. Like The Picture of Dorian Gray, you could put it in the category of magical realism, which is probably what you'd want if you were stuck on a desert island. I don't know about you, but I'd certainly want something I could completely absorb myself in and escape into!
- A brilliant (and large) collection of short stories. This is probably cheating, and I can't think of any in particular, but having multiple narratives as opposed to one single one would stop you getting bored as quickly. Perhaps One Thousand And One Nights would be a good choice!
What I Definitely Would Not Choose
- Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. The last thing I'd want to read on a desert island is a story about a boring bloke who is also stuck on a desert island. I'm really not a fan of the book in the first place, but I think reading it on a desert island would make me want to bash my brains in with a coconut.
- The script of any episode of Lost. I found the TV series ridiculous enough, but being stuck on a boring desert island would actually make me jealous of what goes on in that fictional world!