Cubism started in the 20th century in France and arties called cezzane did a painting wicth made it a collared It need hardly be mentioned that Cezanne stood at the juncture. Of the 19th and 20th centuries, and solidly constructed an ordered and balanced world of art. He surpassed the visual realism of the Impressionists, ignored the traditional roles of perspective, and effectively used a self-controlling function in form and color.Cezanne remark that "Nature should be handled with the cylinder, sphere and cone" is famous, but Picasso and Braque followed Cezanne's lead, and up to that time had searched separately for new plastic forms by their own respective means apart from each other. But after this encounter, Cubism advanced rapidly. Also in the same year, a retrospective exhibition of Cezanne was held at the salon d’AutomneThere is no need to repeat here that Cubism which began in France early in this century played an extremely important role in the development of modern art. This innovative movement started by Picasso and Braque aimed at establishing a new plastic order completely different from the one which had existed up to that time, and it brought about a great revolution in visual representation. Cubism had a widespread, tremendous influence on art following it, but of course Cubism did not appear by itself suddenly out of nowhere. Early 20th century Europe was in many senses at a great turning point and in art as well innovative art movements were appearing one after another all over the continent such as Fauvism in France forerunner of Cubism, expressionists such as the Brucke and the Blaue Reiter in Germany, and Futurism in Italy. It is needless to say that this spirit of innovation had gradually been evolving since the Inter half of the 19th century.