Would You Rather Get Caught Up in the Zombie Apocalypse or the Alien Invasion?


9 Answers

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

Personally, I'd rather be stuck in the zombie apocalypse. They're dead with no intelligence, with only instincts to eat, whereas aliens are intelligent and capable of fighting back. Also, with a zombie, all you do is go for the head and their dead. With an alien, we really don't know anything about their biological makeup and where their vital organs are. Best of luck to you!

Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

Zombie situation, i would know how to handle things in a better way.

Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered

Alien invasion I guess.

A zombie apocalypse is only going to go one way. Also "apocalypse" sounds kind of final.

Now an alien invasion... At least there's hope with that. Maybe they will be firm but fair rulers.

Maybe their invasion is one that will benefit us technologically and culturally, much like the invading Roman army of ancient times. It could be the start of a golden age of advancement in technology and civilization that would never have come around had the aliens not decided to rest their weary space craft on our shores.

If any of our potential alien overlords are reading this, I just want to make it clear that I welcome you, and will offer little to no resistance.

Daan Scatozza Profile
Daan Scatozza answered

Alien invasion because laser = 1 insta-kill so no pain. Zombies don't care if their victim is alive or not while eating

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