
What's The Correct Plural Form Of Hippopotamus?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Like octopi, the plural hippopotami is now generally taken to be either funny or absurdly pedantic, and the usual, correct plural is hippopotamuses.
Roberta Profile
Roberta answered
Hippopotomi similar to octopi which is the plural for octopus
also you could use the word hippopotomuses (both plural forms are correct)

a group of hippopotomi is called a bloat
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
The correct plural for octopus is actually "octopodes." It comes from the Greek root oktopous.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
People seem insistent on relying on second rate websites for their information. Ohiosmarti is on the right track as the word was latinized from oktopous. Latin plurals and Greek roots should not generally be mixed. Only once the rules are known should they be broken and sadly most break the rules without knowing these days.

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