If you could bring to life one fictional character, who would it be?


29 Answers

Kat Kitty Kat Profile
Kat Kitty Kat , Hi it's me!!!!, answered

I would bring Heracles to life I love that movie

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Robert Howe, answered

I would bring back : Rooster J. Cogburn, U.S. Marshal from " True Grit " !

Adria  Abbott Profile
Adria Abbott answered

The Doctor! :D

bob lol Profile
bob lol answered

Michael Desanta, Trevor Philips, and Franklin Clinton... Just incase you don't know who thoose three people are, they are the protagonists from gta 5

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Not the guy from The Mummy, that's for sure... Look how that turned out for everyone!

I'd go for Jessica Rabbit I guess.

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

There were so many I'd like to bring back.

Sinbad the Sailor would be a hoot. So many great stories to tell, and a ride on a magic carpet would be fabulous.

Adam and Eve would be great too. I'd love to get the skinny on how just the two of them managed to populate the planet.

But really, I think the most fun people would be the magicians and I cut them down to three: Dr Faustus, Jesus, and Gandalf.  The final selection was pretty simple -- Faustus and Jesus would be a bit gloomy. Gandalf does FIREWORKS. :D

Dakota  Mackenzie Profile

Well, I was going to say Barnabas Collins because of an inside joke but my real answer would be L Lawliet in Death Note...

I love Near too and I was also thinking about Elise in Insidious ❤  love her lol but I love L more ❤

Tris Fray Potter Profile

If I had to choose one, it'd have to be Hermione Granger.

The Golden Trio- Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley

Clary Fray, Jace Herondale (spoilers), Alec and Izzy Lightwood, Simon Lewis, Magnus Bane (he is so glamorously amazing!!!)

Tris Prior

Margo Roth Spiegleman, Hazel Grace Lancaster

Will Treaty, Halt O'Carrick, Alyss Mainwaring, Horace Altman

Not that they're not real

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