What Was Raymond Chandler Best Known For?


5 Answers

JC Profile
JC answered
Novels. Novels and short stories. Novels and short stories about detectives. Detectives and the Southern California of the early 1950s. With broads in them. And a bottle of whiskey in the bottom drawer of the desk.
Yeah, that's right. Southern California detectives with whiskey bottles and beautiful blondes in the 1950s. And short declarative sentences. And vivid imagery, that would make a bishop kick a hole in a stained glass window.
Yeah, I remember Raymond Chandler. Have a seat, and tell me your problem.
Mike McCarthy Profile
Mike McCarthy answered
I write short stories myself. Not as many as I used to but I still do.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
His protagonist creation, Philip Marlowe, is, along with Dashiell Hammett's Sam Spade, considered synonymous with the term "private detective."
Source: en.wikipedia.org
John Profile
John answered
Some of the greatest cinema ever written you could say he started the whole murder mystery genre with great story telling to draw the nation away from the experience of world war one.he actually used his brain/skills instead of resorting to foul language like they do today to gain the attention of the few who don't see the need for content to help the story along instead of just for filler and their  lack of skill and ability.

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